Have you ever thought about who you want to be in this world? Not what you want to be. Who. One of my mentors assigns me “homework” on a regular basis as a way to further explore and follow-up on the things we discuss. Each assignment starts exactly the same, with a section called “Permission… Read More >>>
In the Gym
Shoot for the Moon
I learned a powerful lesson about self-belief last week. I was in the gym working up to a front squat heavy triple and hit a number I felt really good about. In my mind, before going into the lift, I planned on it being my last set. Assuming I hit the lift, it would have… Read More >>>
Post-Collegiate Sculling: 5 Tips for When You’re in Hot Pursuit
I officially feel like I’m revisiting my early twenties! Well, that’s an exaggeration but there’s some truth to the sentiment too. I’m writing from the athlete house in Sarasota, FL. I’m here for a training block and have been staying in a house full of other rowers from out of town. The house sleeps eight… Read More >>>
Mental Toughness
Anyone can be composed and cool while winning, when everything is going according to plan. But how do you deal with a losing streak? That’s the big question—that’s what separates the professionals from the cautionary tales. ~Maria Sharapova Racing hurts. Let’s just get that out there, front and center. 2ks hurt. 6ks hurt. Even just… Read More >>>
Recovery: Keep it Light, Make it Fun!
What’s your favorite thing to do on recovery days? When I first read this question, my athlete brain, which inevitably defaults to training, immediately thought: Easy! With winter temps and limited desire to paddle around by myself in the single (safety, friends!), recovery these days is basically a mix of light ergging, running and biking…. Read More >>>